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Blizzard of 1949 Haylift Operation Photographs


Scope and Contents

In January 1949, one of the worst recorded blizzards in southeastern Wyoming buried many areas in and between Casper, Douglas, Laramie, and Cheyenne in 10-12 feet of snow. Large numbers of wild and stock animals were lost and hundreds of people were stranded in their homes, businesses, and cars. Several people died or were injured from exposure or accidents in the below freezing temperatures. The Casper air base launched operations "Operating Hay-lift" and "Pitchfork" in an effort to use planes and other military vehicles to deliver 300 tons of hay and fodder to the remaining starving animals during the following six weeks. The Casper air base along with several other out-of-state military forces also appear to have assisted in digging out roads with the overburdened highway department crews, as well as contributing to relief and evacuation efforts. Charles "Chuck" Morrison was a member of a team of staff photographers who captured images of the relief and rescue efforts that followed the blizzard.


  • 1870 - 1964


45.0 (70 JPG access files) Megabytes

Language of Materials

From the File: English

Existence and Location of Copies

210 image files off the WHC Google Drive were saved in a SIP folder in July of 2024, many were duplicates from various storage folders. From there, a DIP folder was created from which the repository will provide access copies and/or use to publish copies of in its publicly accessible digital repository. With duplicates removed, the DIP folder contained 70 JPG image files (as of 7/30/2024). AIP preservation copies and new additions will be made from scans of the original prints at a later date.

Existence and Location of Copies

Digital copies of images from this collection folder can be found in the "Charles 'Chuck' Morrison Collection" in the CVL Omeka digital repository. The series is titled "Blizzard of 1949 - Casper, Wyoming Air Base Operations." Link:


Repository Details

Part of the Casper College Archives and Special Collections Repository

125 College Drive
Casper Wyoming United States 82601 United States