Showing Records: 1 - 10 of 41357
"1%", 1982
Scope and Contents
From the Series:
The Casper Area Chamber of Commerce Records collection consists of a wide range of photographs, media, and documentation of activities, events, and programs undertaken by the Casper Chamber of Commerce from 1920 to 2010. The collection also includes extensive photo slides, including presentations given about local concerns such as mining, oil, energy, health care, and political campaigns. Images highlight community events, places, people, local interests, leadership, and tourism. Photographs...
Identifier: NCA 01.v.2022.02_ARCHIVEDateFolders
Identifier: NCA 01.v.2022.02_ARCHIVEDateFolders
Identifier: NCA 01.v.2022.02_ARCHIVEDateFolders
Identifier: NCA 01.v.2022.02_ARCHIVEDateFolders
1 - 81
Content description
From the Collection:
This collection contains manuscript versions of The Sandbar. It also contains photographs, background research, and miscellaneous materials relating to the history of the Sandbar and Casper more broadly. Researchers will also find information on the publication of The Sandbar as well as information on Jones. Early versions of the Sandbar primarily date to 1975 through 1979. There will be more details to follow this preliminary Scope and Contents note.
1975 - 1982
Scope and Contents
From the Collection:
The Alfred J. Mokler Papers consist of holograph manuscripts, which is to say, manuscripts written in the author's hand, and typescripts from the Works Progress Administration's Federal Writer's Project which date to the 1930's. Much of this material may be found in Mokler's notebooks. In addition, researchers will find Mokler's unpublished typescript of a Chronology of Wyoming written for the Works Progress Administration. Material from some of these pages was used in Wyoming: A Guide to...
1921 - 1960
Scope and Contents
From the Collection:
The Alfred J. Mokler Papers consist of holograph manuscripts, which is to say, manuscripts written in the author's hand, and typescripts from the Works Progress Administration's Federal Writer's Project which date to the 1930's. Much of this material may be found in Mokler's notebooks. In addition, researchers will find Mokler's unpublished typescript of a Chronology of Wyoming written for the Works Progress Administration. Material from some of these pages was used in Wyoming: A Guide to...
1921 - 1960
1-345 D
Scope and Contents
From the Collection:
The Alfred J. Mokler Papers consist of holograph manuscripts, which is to say, manuscripts written in the author's hand, and typescripts from the Works Progress Administration's Federal Writer's Project which date to the 1930's. Much of this material may be found in Mokler's notebooks. In addition, researchers will find Mokler's unpublished typescript of a Chronology of Wyoming written for the Works Progress Administration. Material from some of these pages was used in Wyoming: A Guide to...
1921 - 1960
Filter Results
Additional filters:
- Subject
- Casper (inhabited place) 1134
- Riverton (inhabited place) 55
- Rawlins (inhabited place) 50
- Gillette (inhabited place) 46
- Laramie (inhabited place) 35
- Douglas (inhabited place) 32
- Lander (inhabited place) 30
- Rock Springs (inhabited place) 30
- Casper College President 29
- Glenrock (inhabited place) 27
- Wheatland (inhabited place) 27
- Thermopolis (inhabited place) 25
- Casper College Rodeo 19
- Cheyenne (inhabited place) 19
- Wyoming (inhabited place) 19
- Cody (inhabited place 18
- Worland (inhabited place) 18
- Brigham City (inhabited place) 17
- Fort Caspar (Wyo.) 17
- Evansville (inhabited place) 13
- Powell (inhabited place) 13
- Buffalo (inhabited place) 12
- Sundance (preferred,C,V) 12
- Midwest (inhabited place) 11
- Sheridan (county) 11
- Green River (preferred,C,V) 10
- Jackson (inhabited place) 10
- Torrington (inhabited place) 10
- Bridger (transport point) 9
- Evanston (inhabited place) 9
- Natrona (county) 9
- Newcastle (inhabited place) 9
- Sundance (inhabited place) 9
- Casper College -- History. 8
- Fremont (county) 8
- Lusk (preferred,C,V) 8
- Sweetwater (preferred,C,V) 8
- Hulett (inhabited place) 7
- Rapid City (inhabited place) 7
- Shirley Basin (inhabited place) 7
- Dubois (inhabited place) 6
- Alcova (Inabited place) 5
- Lovell (preferred,C,V) 5
- Point Of Rocks (inhabited place) 5
- Basin (inhabited place) 4
- Buffalo Basin (basin) 4
- Edgerton (inhabited place) 4
- Ethete Saint Michael Mission (inhabited place) 4
- Gas Hills (preferred,C,V) 4
- Moorcroft (inhabited place) 4
- Casper (Wyo.) -- History. 3
- Casper Mountain Region (Wyo.) -- History. 3
- Fort Bridger (inhabited place) 3
- Fort Washakie (inhabited place) 3
- Johnson County War, 1892. 3
- Kaycee (inhabited place) 3
- Morton (inhabited place) 3
- Pavillion (inhabited place) 3
- Pinedale (inhabited place) 3
- Wyoming Mountaineers of Casper College 3
- Baggs (inhabited place) 2
- Blackhall Mountain (mountain) 2
- Bucknum (transport point) 2
- Casper College Faculty 2
- Converse (county) 2
- Glendo (inhabited place) 2
- Grand Junction (inhabited place) 2
- Guernsey (inhabited place) 2
- Hells Half Acre (mountain range) 2
- Hells Half Acre (preferred,C,V) 2
- Jeffrey City (inhabited place) 2
- Kemmer Number 1 Reservoir (preferred,C,V) 2
- La Grange (inhabited place) 2
- Laramie River Ditch Number 1 (canal) 2
- Lingle (inhabited place) 2
- Lyman (inhabited place) 2
- Meeteetse (inhabited place) 2
- Powder River (inhabited place) 2
- Shoshoni (inhabited place) 2
- Tremonton (inhabited place) 2
- United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Sources 2
- World War, 1939-1945 -- Sources. 2
- Afton (inhabited place) 1
- Arapahoe (inhabited place) 1
- Ardmore (part of inhabited place) 1
- Arminto (inhabited place) 1
- Backpacking. 1
- Bairoil (inhabited place) 1
- Blizzards -- Wyoming -- History -- 20th century. 1
- Burlington (inhabited place) 1
- Byron (inhabited place) 1
- Casper (Wyo.) -- History -- Pictorial works. 1
- Cole Creek Disaster 1
- Colter Bay Village (inhabited place) 1
- Crowheart (inhabited place) 1
- Dayton (inhabited place) 1
- Delta (inhabited place) 1
- Denver (inhabited place) 1
- Edgemont (inhabited place) 1
- Farson (inhabited place) 1 ∧ less
- Language
- English 2930
- French 6
- Spanish; Castilian 3
- German 2
- Japanese 2
- Russian 2 ∧ less
- Names
- Casper Star-Tribune 601
- Wyoming Symphony Orchestra 567
- Casper Tribune-Herald 229
- Goodrich & Wilking Architects 148
- Krusmark and Krusmark 148
- Gorder/South Group 125
- Jack Rosenthal 109
- PWA 88
- Ken L. Ball, Photographer 82
- Casper Daily Tribune 74
- Casper Morning Star 59
- Denver Post 59
- Goodrich and Krusmark 44
- Henry Therkildsen and Associates 43
- Casper College 42
- Kathleen Hemry 41
- R.W. Schropfer Architect 38
- Gerald, Deines 31
- Natrona County Tribune 31
- Amundsen Associates 30
- Tilghman H. Aley, Casper College President, 1961-1979 30
- Deines Myrick Mclain and Associates 25
- B.P. Amoco Refinery 22
- First United Methodist Church 21
- Dale Stiles, Faculty (Agriculture) 20
- Holzinger-Schropfer and Associates 20
- Goodrich and Associates 19
- R.W. Schropfer 19
- Duane R Weber 18
- Works Progress Administration 17
- GSG Architecture 16
- Lower and Company Inc. 16
- HNTB Corporation 15
- Harry Patterson 15
- Marker Association 15
- Commercial Building Systems 13
- Thomas T Bechtel 12
- Casper/Natrona County Centennial Corporation 11
- Harold Engstrom 11
- McMurry Construction Company 11
- C.H.D Architects 9
- Gary E. Olson and David W. Schropfer 9
- Gerald Amundsen 9
- Johnson-Fermelia- and Krank Inc. 9
- Robert Wehrli 9
- Cheyenne Daily Leader 8
- James Silverthorn 8
- Jan V.T. Wilking 8
- Stateline 8
- Casper College Public Relations Department 7
- Fisher, Reece and Johnson Architects 7
- Hitchcock and Hitchcock 7
- Sanborn Map Company 7
- The Design Group 7
- Bill K. Heinbaugh (1925-2002) 6
- C E Hawks Construction Inc. 6
- Design Studio 6
- Dolence and Fruilo 6
- Robert L, Marker 6
- The Inland Oil Index (weekly) 6
- Western Construction Inc. 6
- ARIX 5
- Bechtel 5
- Casper Daily Press 5
- Casper Star 5
- Dehnert Richardson Bensman 5
- Eileen Lawson (1943-2017) 5
- GarButt Weidner 5
- Harrison L Cook and Associates 5
- IRA Black Well 5
- John Pellegren 5
- Lynn Shoger 5
- Marvin E Knedler 5
- Therkildsen and Amend 5
- Banner Association Inc. 4
- Burns and Mc Donnell 4
- Casper Press(Weekly) 4
- Charles Morrison 4
- Corbett Dehnert and Associates 4
- Dana Larson Roubal and Associates 4
- Dennis D. Smith 4
- Dennis L Carlson 4
- Dubois and Goodrich 4
- Forest D. Hamilton 4
- Forrest D Hamilton 4
- Garbutt Weidner and Sweeny Architects 4
- Hardee's Architecture and Engineering Department 4
- Hein|Bond Architects 4
- Howard Needles and Tammen Bergendoff Incorporated 4
- Izaak Walton League 4
- John L Frullo 4
- Lucas Tapered System 4
- Noel Griffith and Associates 4
- Patrick F. Daly 4
- Perkins and Will Architects 4
- RB+B Architects 4
- Randall W Hein 4
- Rundquist and Hard 4
- Wolz & Associates Inc 4
- ZVFK 4 ∧ less
∨ more
∨ more
∨ more